Location in Mrákov
Czech Republic
Besides the company headquarters in Kelheim, there is also a Czech production plant in the village of Starý Klíčov, in the village of Mrákov.
There, with approx. 80 employees, the innovative coils (winding technology) for the servo motors and our diverse asynchronous products are manufactured.
The main tasks include:
- Winding and taping of the coils
- Balancing, connecting the strands, painting and assembling electric motors
- The careful examination of all products
- The punctual dispatch of the drive systems
Heidrive s.r.o. is our reliable partner with whom we live and implement strategies and philosophies together. This enables us not only to control quality assurance procedures and internal processes in a targeted manner, but also to optimize our production costs and ensure cost-efficient distribution of our products throughout Europe.
Heidrive s.r.o.
Starý Klíčov 142,
345 01 Mrákov, okr. Domažlice
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 379 738 112
Fax: +420 379 738 114
IČO: 27638600
DIČ: CZ27638600
Commercial register entry:
District court in Pilsen, Department C,
Insert 19619
info @heidrive .de