Three questions for...
Amelie Lohr
Amelie Lohr has been an apprentice at Heidrive GmbH for several weeks. She has decided to do an apprenticeship as industrial clerk. In a short interview she told us how she fared on her first days at Heidrive.
How was your first day of training and what were your first impressions?
I was a bit nervous before my first day of training. I thought a lot about things, such as whether everyone would be friendly to me, whether I would be accepted quickly and what the new colleagues were like. After all, an apprenticeship is a completely new phase of life.
My first day of training turned out to be totally exciting and I'm glad that I made the right decision - starting an apprenticeship - and that I can now finally get to work.
What do you hope for from your apprenticeship and what is especially important to you?
During my apprenticeship, I naturally want to learn a lot, gain experience and develop myself personally. I am also confident that I will succeed here and have a great time. And if things go really well, I would of course also be very happy to be taken on after I have completed the three years of my training.
When did you apply and how did you feel about the application process?
In the 7th grade I had the opportunity to do an internship at Heidrive. Everyone was very friendly, open and extremely helpful. Since I enjoyed the internship very much, I knew that I would definitely want to apply for an apprenticeship there later on. I sent my application during the summer vacations last year. After a short time, I was finally invited for my first job interview and immediately felt comfortable. During my second interview I was also offered my apprenticeship contract directly, which I was very pleased about and which I naturally accepted with thanks.
Since the interviews for next year's training positions have already begun, here is a tip from Amelie Lohr for prospective applicants:
The best thing to do is to try to let the excitement go a little bit. There is no need to be nervous at all, because everyone is super nice to you. In addition, you should always be polite and not forget your smile, then nothing can really go wrong!